Main Technological Trends For 2024

Main Technological Trends For 2024

Technological evolution allows the development of more efficient solutions and drives the process and competitiveness in different fields of economies.

These progresses have become a critical factor in the success of organizations, allowing them to adapt to a constantly changing environment in the face of the  challenges of the modern world.

In addition, it allows companies to identify opportunities for growth and adaptation to new market demands.

Two thousand twenty-four promises to integrate technological advances that will change the way we live and work, and not only that, but they also have the potential to transform our society as a whole.

Are you ready to discover what’s new this year?

Well, let’s see it!

Main technological trends for 2024

These trends will bring improvements that will work hand in hand with existing ones. An example is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and virtual reality(VR), which have been more suitable paths in different sectors.

Among them, the following advances stand out:

1. Artificial Intelligence and machine learning

AI and machine learning (ML) will continue to evolve at a rapid pace this new year. AI is transforming the way we interact with technology, generating a wide range of meaningful strategies to improve data-driven interaction.

What emerged in the last quarter of 2022 will continue to do so in a very sustained and vibrant manner; there is no doubt about it.

2. Platform engineering

The experiential improvement of platform engineering has provided developers with the ability to operate with an automated infrastructure. In fact, the incorporation of Generative Artificial Intelligence promises to streamline the delivery of value to users.

These mechanisms are also aligned with business roles or functions.

Other similar trends will be:

  • Smart applications.
  • Democratized generative AI.
  • Industrial cloud platforms.

    Consulting firm Gartner noted that 80% of software engineering organizations will employ teams through easily accessible operating platforms that will serve direct service providers by 2026.

Machine learning, on the other hand, focuses on developing algorithms and models that can be improved based on data.

3. AI Trust, Risk and Safety Management (AI TRiSM)

2024 will see advances in data protection and online security, as well as an increased focus on cybersecurity awareness. In turn, the implementation of regulations in generative AI provides a comprehensive trust, risk, and security management program.

Strategic planning will emerge in the field such as:

  • Detects attacks against AI.
  • Compliance with controls.
  • Data confidentiality.
  • Monitoring models and applications.

    4. Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM)

The challenge for organizations is the evolution of cyber attacks that have required the implementation of automated controls and security patches. The Continuous threat Exposure Management (CTEM) Program can prioritize critical threats with the following steps:

  • Scope of exposure.
  • Prioritize threats.
  • Discovery processes.

    5. Sustainable technology

Environmental, social, and governance results are identified as a structure of digital solutions. According to Gartner, 25% related to the CIO can be presented in 2026, obtaining optimal and sustainable results in strategic areas such as these:

  • Business operations.
  • Internal IT operations.
  • Customer operations.

    6. Use of technologies for the CEO and CIO in 2024

CEOs and CIOs must be prepared to adapt to these constantly moving technological changes, introducing them into strategic planning for business models.

Some favourable aspects that can be distinguished are talent retention, attraction, and the value of data.

One of the ways technology can drive business strategy is through improving operational efficiency. An example of this is the automation of processes that reduce costs
and improve productivity.

7. Innovations in virtual and augmented reality

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) will allow users to immerse themselves in entirely new virtual environments while AR overlays digital elements in the real world.

These systems will not only be in entertainment experiences but will cover sectors such as medicine, publishing, and industry.

It is interesting because they are often only related to gaming, but their progress is making them scale to other “unconventional” areas. We will surely see good
launches in 2024.

8. Blockchain technology

Thanks to its ability to guarantee security and transparency in digital transactions, the development of its application in a variety of economic sectors is planned for next year.

Blockchain has the potential to impact the financial sector significantly. This can streamline payment processes, reduce transaction costs, and ensure the security of transactions.

The promising adoption of technologies will offer more direct alternatives for interaction and the search for faster solutions for the sectors that apply them.

The global objectives of digital immersion will become increasingly more prominent and will encompass a high level of importance in society.

Tech Squib

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